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Shecluded Dream to Business 2.0 Incubator Program for Women 2024

6 months ago


Shecluded Dream to Business 2.0 Incubator Program for Women 2024

If you’re a passionate and driven female entrepreneur looking to take your business to the next level, the Shecluded Empowered to Impact Incubator Program is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for. This intensive four-week program is designed to equip you with the tools, skills, and knowledge necessary to thrive in the world of business. By participating in our program, you’ll gain access to rigorous training activities such as business strategy, marketing techniques, and effective management practices led by our expert trainers. And, exclusively for selected participants, we’ll be offering debt funding of up to 2 million Naira to help you achieve your business goals.

The benefits of participating in the Shecluded Empowered to Impact Incubator Program are numerous. In addition to the debt funding, you’ll also have access to lower interest rates when applying for a loan, business resources such as advisory and development services, and a discount on the Shecluded Hub. Upon completion of the program, you’ll receive a certificate of completion and business registration support. Additionally, you’ll have the opportunity to network with peers in the Shecluded community, connecting with like-minded women who are committed to making a difference.


To be eligible for the Shecluded Empowered to Impact Incubator Program, you must be a female residing in Nigeria between the ages of 18-35. You must be interested in creating jobs for other young women and either currently running a business or interested in starting one. Most importantly, you must be eager to volunteer and commit to the entirety of the program. The application deadline is February 8th, 2024, so don’t wait – apply now at Shecluded on Unlock your business potential and make a difference in your community with the Shecluded Empowered to Impact Incubator Program.

About the Author

Kenny is a passionate writer and avid traveler with a knack for uncovering hidden gems and sharing insightful educational information. As an author at KeepsWiki, he combines his love for exploration and learning to bring readers captivating stories and practical guides.

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