Pulitzer Center Impact Seed Fund (ISF) Global 2024 - Keepswiki

Pulitzer Center Impact Seed Fund (ISF) Global 2024

The Pulitzer Center is excited to announce the Impact Seed Funding (ISF), a pioneering grant initiative designed to bolster educational endeavours that broaden understanding and engagement with critical environmental topics, namely the preservation of tropical forests, the protection of our oceans, and addressing the climate crisis. This micro-grant program seeks to empower educators and students within the university setting by funding projects that aim to shift perspectives, narratives, and ultimately, actions towards these pressing global issues, fostering a more informed and empathetic community.

Over the years, the Pulitzer Center has been at the forefront of spotlighting underreported environmental challenges through initiatives such as the Rainforest Journalism Fund and the Rainforest Investigative Network. Building on this legacy, in 2023, we expanded our focus to include ocean conservation topics. The ISF is a direct response to the need for increased education and engagement on these crucial subjects. By supporting a wide range of activities—from developing educational materials that incorporate Pulitzer Center journalism, to facilitating public dialogues and exhibitions on campus—the grant aims to inspire impactful change within the university community and beyond.


We invite applications for grants ranging between US$2,000 to US$4,000, targeting projects that can be executed and completed within a five-month timeframe. Eligible applicants include higher education faculty, researchers, and student groups (under faculty supervision), excluding projects in Africa, Brazil, or Southeast Asia due to regional ISF grants. The application window is open from April to May 27, 2024, with the selection process running until July 27, 2024. The successful projects will be announced on July 31, 2024, followed by a briefing and grant administration phase, leading into the project implementation period from August to December 2024.

To apply or learn more about the impactful opportunities provided by the Pulitzer Center Impact Seed Fund, please visit our application portal at pulitzercenter.submittable.com. Join us in our mission to create a more informed, empathetic, and proactive global community in the face of environmental challenges.

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