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MEST Africa Entrepreneurial Training Program 2024

7 months ago


MEST Africa Entrepreneurial Training Program 2024

Are you a tech enthusiast with a deep passion for starting a software company in Africa? MEST Africa is offering a fully sponsored, one-year, graduate-level program in tech entrepreneurship for entrepreneurs-in-training (EITs) to expand their skills and knowledge in software development, business, and communications, as well as develop viable businesses. The rigorous entrepreneurial training, extensive hands-on project work, and intentional mentoring are designed to ensure EITs are equipped to develop world-class tech businesses.

The MEST Training Program culminates in an investor pitch with the opportunity to receive seed funding and enter MEST’s portfolio for company incubation. This is not all, EITs will have the opportunity to expand their network and receive feedback and mentorship from real-life entrepreneurs, CEOs, and other executives from all over the world.


MEST quarterly Guest Lecturers have been executives of Uber, Facebook, Safaricom, Samsung, Interswitch, MTN, and many more. Successful applicants should be ready to commit to a fully residential program for a whole year and have entrepreneurial or corporate work experience, a degree from a top university or Technical College (or equivalent experience), confidence with great leadership qualities, the ability to work well with others and communicate effectively.

Applications for the MEST Training Program will open on January 11, 2024, and close on March 18, 2024. Final interviews will take place in April – May 2024 in Accra, Lagos, Dakar, Nairobi, and Johannesburg. The training program begins in August 2024 in Accra, Ghana. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity, visit the MEST Africa website for more details on how to apply.

About the Author

Kenny is a passionate writer and avid traveler with a knack for uncovering hidden gems and sharing insightful educational information. As an author at KeepsWiki, he combines his love for exploration and learning to bring readers captivating stories and practical guides.

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