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Google Summer of Code 2024

6 months ago


Google Summer of Code 2024

Exciting news for open-source projects and organizations! We are pleased to announce that applications are now open for mentor organizations to participate in the 2024 Google Summer of Code (GSoC) program. This year marks the 20th anniversary of GSoC, and we welcome all types of organizations to apply, including first-time mentor org. If you are a new organization, we encourage you to get a referral from experienced organizations that think you would be a good fit for GSoC.

The open-source projects that participate in GSoC as mentor organizations are diverse, spanning many fields, including AI/ML, security, cloud, development tools, science, medicine, data, media, and more. Projects can range from being relatively new to well-established projects that started over 20 years ago. We welcome open-source projects big, small, and everything in between.


In particular, this year, we are looking to bring more open-source projects in the AI/ML field into GSoC 2024. If your project is in the artificial intelligence or machine learning fields, please chat with your community and see if you would be interested in applying to GSoC 2024.

The goal of GSoC is to bring new contributors into established and welcoming communities. If you’re interested in applying, the mentoring organization application deadline is February 6, 2024. For more information on the selection process and timeline, please visit the GSoC website. We can’t wait to see what amazing projects will come from this year’s GSoC program!

About the Author

Kenny is a passionate writer and avid traveler with a knack for uncovering hidden gems and sharing insightful educational information. As an author at KeepsWiki, he combines his love for exploration and learning to bring readers captivating stories and practical guides.

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