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Goethe-Institut Nigeria Supports And Connect Programme For Creatives 2024

6 months ago


Goethe-Institut Nigeria Supports And Connect Programme For Creatives 2024

Are you an artistic or cultural initiative in Nigeria looking for a chance to showcase your talent? Look no further than the Goethe-Institut Nigeria’s Supports and Connect Programme. This initiative supports Nigerian solo artists, collectives, and cultural experts in bringing their projects to life.

The Goethe-Institut Nigeria has been supporting diverse projects in various art forms, including music, contemporary dance, photography, films (documentary), theatre, visual arts, literature, and more. They also provide support to artists and cultural experts invited to festivals or cultural projects in Germany or on the African continent who lack the necessary funding to attend.


This support is crucial in giving young and upcoming artists in the Nigerian cultural landscape an opportunity to be heard and seen. This year, the Support and Connect initiative is supporting projects across three categories of entries: Art and Culture Projects (up to 5.000 EUR each), Art and Culture Festivals (up to 5.000 EUR each), and Art and Culture Travel Grant (up to 2.500 EUR each).

To apply, solo artists or collectives should have at least 3 years of professional experience and must have developed their project idea to a certain level of preparation. The project must be implemented in Nigeria during the year 2024 and be completed by December 10, 2024. Art and culture festivals must have been in existence for at least three years and also take place in Nigeria. Individuals applying for the Art and Culture Travel Grant must have already received an official invitation to a cultural festival/event/project in Germany or any African country.

The application deadline is February 15, 2024, and only completely and correctly filled-out application forms will be considered. An independent jury will select the projects by the end of February, and project implementation will take place between March 15 and December 10, 2024. A project report must be submitted by the end of January 2025.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to showcase your talent and make a name for yourself in the Nigerian cultural landscape. Apply now and take advantage of the Goethe-Institut Nigeria’s Supports and Connect Programme.

About the Author

Kenny is a passionate writer and avid traveler with a knack for uncovering hidden gems and sharing insightful educational information. As an author at KeepsWiki, he combines his love for exploration and learning to bring readers captivating stories and practical guides.

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