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Flemish Ministry of Education and Training Master Mind Scholarship 2024

6 months ago


Flemish Ministry of Education and Training Master Mind Scholarship 2024

The Flemish Ministry of Education and Training is offering scholarships for exceptional students around the world who are interested in pursuing a master’s degree in Flanders and Brussels. The Master Mind Scholarship provides a grant of €10,000 and a tuition fee waiver for each academic year (60 ECTS). The scholarship is paid in instalments and covers accommodation, insurance, and a significant portion of living expenses. To apply, you must first be accepted into a Flemish host institution that participates in the Master Mind Scholarship Programme.

The scholarship benefits incoming students who will receive a maximum scholarship of €10,000 per academic year. However, certain requirements must be fulfilled to be eligible for this scholarship. For instance, you must apply to take up a master’s degree program at a Flemish higher education institution, have a high level of academic performance, and have a good knowledge of the English language. Students who apply for a master’s program at a school of arts have slightly different requirements. Moreover, the host institution must accept the student for them to receive the scholarship.


To be considered for the scholarship, you must submit certain documents which include a passport photo, an international passport, or national ID, a Curriculum Vitae that includes your American GPA out of 4.0, transcripts of records, English language test results or a letter of exemption provided by the host university, a letter of motivation written in English, and two signed letters of recommendation from professors of your (previous) home university, university of applied sciences (and arts) or recent employer written in English.

To apply for this scholarship, you need to check if you are eligible to apply and if the Flemish institution of your choice participates in the Master Mind Scholarships. After submitting your application to the host institution, the host institution preselects the eligible applications and starts the application procedure for the Master Mind Scholarship by creating your application file in the Mobility-Online application tool. You receive an email notifying you of being preselected for a Master Mind Scholarship, and you register in the Mobility-Online tool to complete your application file before the deadline of 28th April 2024 23h59 GMT+1.

About the Author

Kenny is a passionate writer and avid traveler with a knack for uncovering hidden gems and sharing insightful educational information. As an author at KeepsWiki, he combines his love for exploration and learning to bring readers captivating stories and practical guides.

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