In September 2021, an innovative Fellowship program was inaugurated, spearheaded by Professor Milner-Gulland, the esteemed Tasso Leventis Professor of Biodiversity at the Department of Biology. This initiative is a collaborative effort by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Conservation Science team, aiming to bridge the gap between conservation efforts in the field and academic research. The program is designed for individuals from NGOs, government sectors, businesses engaged in biodiversity conservation, and academia. It presents a unique chance to collaborate with the University of Oxford’s researchers, leveraging the institution’s extensive training, resources, and networking opportunities.
The Fellowship allows for a stay of up to three months at the University of Oxford, during which participants can immerse themselves in training courses, forge new collaborations, engage in writing academic papers, and refine their project ideas. Moreover, the program extends its support beyond the physical stay, offering remote assistance, training, and networking to ensure a lasting impact. Candidates have the flexibility to affiliate with any department within the University, provided their project aligns with conservation goals.
The ICCS Biodiversity Fellowship Program is anchored on three main objectives: enhancing the skill set, networks, and capabilities of conservation professionals to amplify their impact back home; aligning Oxford’s research with pressing conservation challenges through practical collaboration; and fostering enduring partnerships between Oxford researchers and conservation professionals worldwide. The program is keen on attracting both seasoned professionals looking to strategize and innovate away from their usual commitments, as well as emerging talents eager to expand their academic horizons, analytical skills, and global networks. While the application deadline is yet to be announced, interested and qualified candidates are encouraged to apply through the Interdisciplinary Centre for Conservation Science (ICCS) portal at This Fellowship is a stepping stone to making a tangible difference in the realm of conservation, embodying a blend of academic excellence and real-world application.